
Need quick improvement in sprinting?

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It's a week before sprinting test and I need to 100-meter-sprint 4 seconds faster to pass. I've been practicing sprinting for weeks but I only feel weaker. I can really burst with speed at first but by the second or third time I feel like run out of gas. Anyone have a clue?




  1. First off, make sure that your technique is correct. Lift your knees, pump your arms with every step, and most importantly don't stop accelerating. Keep looking at the ground with your head down and your legs pumping until about 30 meters before the end. Then throw your head back and give it all you got. I guarantee this method will increase your speed. Secondly, it sounds like you are having endurance issues. It is natural to be tired out after one sprint. Make sure that you have plenty of carbs and liquids before you race. I would say about 3 hours before the running have a bowl of oatmeal or an apple and a granola bar, and drink lots of fruit juice. That will keep your energy levels high through the running. Make sure to get as much rest as possible between sprints. Good luck!

  2. make sure you have good technique. Also practice sprinting up hills and  steps.

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