
Need real options on VPS hosting...?

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I´ve been looking for quite a while for a good, reliable VPS website hosting company. Reviews seem to be the same all around but don´t seem to be legit. I´m looking for a VPS hosting company that can handle a large website, any real recommendations?




  1. I got a friend who is giving 24/7support in his hosting and within one hour reply support.

    it is

  2. Take a look at: I’m sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. They have a really great offer & I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them. Their service is really great.

  3. When choosing a web hosting company, I only look at three things: 1. how long they have been in business, 2. number of customers they have, 3. reliability/customer support. The last is the hardest to evaluate, but the first two are quit easy to find information on. Hosting is not a rocket science, so which company tells you they have something special that they do is lying. Unless you really do have an army of PhDs like Google, you will not be able to do anything special. Thus, two hosts that I would recommend for VPS is Netfirms - and 1&1 Internet Hosting - . Both have been in business for over 10 years and have a very broad customer base. Hosting firms come and go, but it's not easy to operate a business for a long time and yet be financially sustainable.

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