
Need reassurance about driving,?

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I am terrified of other drivers losing control, medians, sidewalks, losing control myself, brick walls, brakes not working, etc. I'm just a wreck. I can drive and I'm sure I don't drive horribly but it would just be so much easier and comforting to be confident in myself, my fellow drivers, and the streets. Can anyone spew a couple percentages or personal experiences that might help? Thank you from the bottom of my heart.




  1. Just don't worry so much.

    Do you see other drivers losing control and hitting things often? I sure don't!

    Good luck.

  2. Dont worry about other drivers on the road iv had a few close calls the first time i blamed myself even tho the other driver was at fault by the third or fourth close call and somebody actually goin up my back end while i was at the junction on a round i came to realise that i was not to blame at all there are just some idiot drivers out there who have no consideration for other drivers but dont worry as long as you now you are doing the right thing dont worry if you take a bit longer on a juction or a round about just drive the way you are happy and you will find the more you drive the more confident you will become in time

  3. Of course, plenty of people are already afraid of driving to one degree or another, even without getting into an accident. And it's no wonder; driving is a pretty scary thing. You could even argue that a little fear is good--that it helps you drive more safely.

    What you're going through sounds intense enough to require some kind of active solution, however. For starters, you might want to try relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization. Also, do you know anyone who is comfortable about driving and wouldn't mind talking to you about what that's like? Another idea is to explore your driving feelings and memories with a trained therapist.

    There are all kinds of therapy out there, so you may want to do some research. Virtual reality exposure therapy, for example, simulates the experience of being in a car.

  4. someone once said, just as you look out for others, others will be doing the same. You are covered, don't worry about the drivers behind.

  5. You are more likely to injure yourself, or even die in your own home than on the road..... yes.... right now your house could cave in and  you could die. When you go an open your fridge, it could topple and crush you. You could possibly trip and impale yourself on objects around the home. You are in danger right now. ^_^

  6. sure contact your local tv station and when you want to go out have them run the message across the screen for everyone else to get off the road..............

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