
Need some Inspiration??

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I really want to be a show jumper in the Olympics, but one one supports me or thinks I can do it. My mom keeps telling me that i will never get that far. I dont have a lot of money, but I want this SO bad, I cant even put it into words. Not a single person in my family or friends shares the same passion and obsession that I do for horses, and jumping.

Eric lamaze's Gold medal, really touched me, because he started out from the very bottom and made it to the very top.( I was literaly bawling when he received the medal)

My question is, does anyone know how Eric got the money to help him with lessons, and owning a horse and training? I already know that he lived with an alcoholic Grandmother, and his friend got him into horses. Also, he worked at a local barn in exchange for some lessons, but when he got better, how did he get the money to continue with a trainer and get a horse and all that??

Thank you




  1. Honey!!! That is my goal too. Its what im workin up to too. And im gonna do it. Im gonna get there. Its in my heart. Its what i want to do. Oh my goodness. haha. Your just like me. Man we would click like instantly haha. Hun. For the Olympics you have to be invited. You enter in all these high class shows and if you win you get money. You do all those shows you get invited and the money you win you use for your entrance fee for the Olympics. I have my whole family supporting me. I want to be a world famous horse trainer. Or at least a well known one. Im working hard in school so i can go to college at University Montana Western. A great equine college!! I support you. It must hurt havin your mother say that youll never make it that far. but its not true. not ture at all. I believe ANYONE who has a burning passion for horses can do anything get anything they want or achieve. So keep workin at it. I know you can do it. lol. I could tell by the way you worded everything in your question. You sound like you really want it. Me to i dont only want it i need it. Its who i am. I want that one special partner horse that will help us to victory. lol. Its a hard thing to earn. Work hard on dressage, and cross country. I loved your question. Hey believe in yourselfe..confront your mom. tell her that its in your heart and you sure enough gonna get there wether you as my mother supports me or not. say that. or whatever comes to mind. expres yourselfe and show her how hard you can work.

    Hey wow. Its like i wrote your question haha. I cried when barbaro got hurt. i just bawled and no one knew I cried even harder when they found out he would survive. And i loved that about Eric Lamazes gold medel. :]   you have a passion in your heart. it runs through your blood. so---

    I will see you in the Olympics. Lets show the world what we can do. =]

    LOVED your question. Good luck. I doubt youll need it though.

  2. wow ur moms not very optimistic... or nice for that matter. he just became a good enough rider that someone finally noticed. then the rest is history.

  3. been there done i remember wen i wanted to b in the olympics more than anything! but i just took a step back and eralized that i really didnt like jumpers and i only wanted the fame and not to actually compete in the jumper arena but now im really big on the Hunters and plan on sticking with that but thats really sad how ur parents wont even be encouraging but take that negitivity and turn it into determination because the best karma is wen u prove someone wrong who never believed in say just keep taking lessons and set short term goals and get GOOD now and then after high school go and b a working student with someone who can take you to grand prix...i have contact numbers to numerous GP and olympic riders so if u want me to give u their contact info for future refrence then email me =]]

    best of luck! =]]

  4. I dont really know but he probably had to have some kind of money to pay and then when people saw his natural talent at shows they probably asked if they could sponsor him

  5. Don't let anyone bring you down. (There's a song that says something about that - it's a great song). It's your life, live it to make yourself happy! My advice; don't get married right of the bat or you can probably kiss those plans good bye.

  6. Hard work, attention to detail.

    Many riders train average horses to be great horses and sell them, they have a string of horses and just keep the cream for themselves and sell the rest at a profit.

    The key is having a very deep seat, that you can stay on anything while it is getting trust in you. Many take horses off the track that have been too slow, and get them for next to nothing. But as I mentioned you need to have a deep seat to retrain them.

    Sponsorship can helpful, so working in a job that could be connected with the horse industry may help. One young girl starting out here has a saddlery as sponsor. You'll need a horse float, so sponsorship from a float company may be useful, or vet etc.

    One young girl who has been our top national young show jumper, couldn't count the number of times she'd been told she was the wrong size, wrong shape, wouldn't be able to do it ....... Wow has she shown them wrong. Once you're spotted as tallent, doors will open for you.

    My neice, has previously qualified for the European champs, then her horse went lame, had to be put down and she then left the sport and went to uni. She has recently finished her studies and a breeder has just given her a horse, he is even feeding it for her till she starts in her new job. So doors just open if you have the tallent.

    Good luck - don't give up... :)

  7. He became a good enough rider to start winning his classes as he progressed in the levels. At some point, someone who is rich probably took an interest in him. He probably has a lot of sponsors - people or companies who pay him to ride horses, compete, train people (who also pay him a load of money), and do well. Generally speaking, that's how those things work out. Some are lucky enough to have parents / job / inheritance to do those activities without needing a sponsor, but not many are that lucky :) Good luck, and never stop reaching for your dreams. You might be surprised how far you can reach <3

  8. I have no idea how Eric got the money to go that far. But dont always listen to what everyone else says, you can do whatever you want as long as you put the hard work and dedication into it and follow your heart. If someone tells you that you cant do something you should prove them wrong, you need to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    I hope i helped (:

  9. I just read an interesting article on about how these equestrians get the funding for their level. The main source is through sponsors who give them their products and/or to use during a recognized competition in order to advertise for them. Many professionals seem to meet the right people through working student programs when they are young and they gradually work their way up from there. Keep in mind that these athletes devote their lives 24/7 to this sport. Amy Tryon retired from her firefighter job to compete professionally. Also keep in mind that the majority of professional equestrians are over 30 years old, so it takes a lot of time and concentration to get to the Olympic level.

  10. I'm not sure how he got that far exactly, but in the end it boils down to one thing: He wanted it badly enough.

    If you want something you'll get out there and ride the green horses, you'll take on the horses no one wants, you'll somehow make it work. and don't let people tell you "you can't do something"

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