A new person started without the skills they said they had. I have uncovered this gem of knowledge as our training progressed. Going to the boss is futile because he will just dismiss this fact. He doesn't understand the part she lied about is VERY important, and the areas she is strong in...not so much. Our department (consists of three people) is getting concerned because the rush is about to begin and she does not possess the knowledge she says she has.
In case your wondering she lied about customer service skills. Her follow up is horrible, and she can't seem to do everything in one call. She has to call them back (we don't have time for that). Of course there are times when you have to, but not every call. She has been changing things to fit her way of doing things which is okay, but she has to do that correctly which is not happening.
So what do I do now? Train her in the stuff that she said she knows or let her struggle her way through it because she lied, then let my boss handle it?