
Need some advice on sepical need children?

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i work as a bus monitor on a bus with sepical need children. i have 20 kids on the bus. i can not turn my back on the 1 child cody he spits all over the other children bites me. lets just say if you turn your back on him you are in trouble.

but i have noticed sense i can not walk up and down the bus the other children on the bus are out of control. i am on the verge of lossing my job. what can i do becausei love my job and yelling at the children do no good at all.

these are all kids with a lot of needs like adha bi polar that sort of thing.




  1. sounds like the bus is developed by route not by the basis of the children's functioning level. maybe some of the add or adhd and bipolar children can ride on the regular bus and leave the medically fragile or other types of diagnoses on a safer bus.  

    talk to their teachers. find out what motiveates them and what are the consequnces set up for them so u can be in the loop.

  2. Try to occupy them with toys, books etc. Also you need to talk to the parents of Cody. I know he is special needs, but he also needs to have some discipline! He can't be just acting like this on the bus! Shouldn't you have another helper on the bus with that many children?

  3. give them something to occupy them. my cousin has down syndrome, any simple games enterntain kids. if that doesnt work, try make them earn something, like the winner of a simple game wins a treat. if there is something to look forward to for them, they are bound to behave better and want to join in. (:

  4. ask for a helper, you have to drive not reprimand

  5. you need some sort of aid on the bus. you cant tend to all these special kids while you are trying to drive. you need some help

  6. oo meng diss is bad but I think juh should get dem some toyss or something to entertain dem selves. but something dat wont hurt dem. or if not get an assistant

  7. I would talk to the bus company so they can talk to the school and parents.  I did not know until yesterday that an older boy on my daughter's spec. ed. bus was bullying her.  She was coming home in a bad mood everyday.  The bus monitor never told the bus company and school.  A sub was on yesterday and that is how the pieces all came together.  The boy is now getting special help on the bus and the other kids will have another monitor.  As a mother, please contact the school and bus company.

  8. It's seems to me that you need a helper, and the school should be providing this for you anyways.  There are many reason's for this:  What if there's an accident, God forbid, but it does happen, how are you going to get the kids all out on your own and calm them?  What if a child goes into panic mode and you need to pull over for some reason, how is that going to effect the other children?  Fighting on the bus is common, shouldn't there be an extra person to help you calm them?  These are some things you could use to your benefit to talk to the Superintendent or the person in charge of asignning you to bus duty.  They are putting the kids lives at jepordy by not assingning someone to help you, and if they can't provide this for you than you shouldn't feel responsible for something that could potentially be a disaster in the making and request a different bus.  Maybe you could report this to the gov't or something, but I do understand your dilemma.  As a parent, I would be concerned for my child's safety, because I have a difficult child myself and I know how hard it is to take care of just one child let alone 20.  I feel for ya hon, good luck!

  9. keep a bag with little puzzles, stamps, and any other kind of things that could help

    keep a timer and rotate the stuff for 5 to 10 minutes or so

    technically though arent you a little out of ratio?

    I would check on something like that

  10. Ask his teachers at school what they give him to keep him still at school.  It maybe something as simple as a cushion for him to sit on or a certain toy.  One important thing I have to mention though, if you want to keep your job remove the child's name from your question.  Student Privacy is a law in the school system and if anyone can figure out who you are, you may find yourself in trouble!

  11. Sing songs, play games, read stories, etc.

    Ask their teacher what she does to get them to sit calmly and quietly.

    You just need to engage them

  12. i dont know what i would do.  maybe instead of yelling at them offer them rewards for good behavior.

  13. It sounds like there are too many Sped kids on the one bus with only one bus monitor.  It's not your fault.  The school district should either split the group into two groups of 10 or hire another bus monitor for safety reasons.

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