
Need some advice!!!!!

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I have an interview tomorrow at the NBA store in midtown NYC, they said to wear business casual clothing for the interview so i went and bought a blue button down shirt and black slacks but my only concern is that i am not used to wearing these types of clothing and i look really weird in it. especially because i am fat i am starting to feel really insecure of the way i look in those clothes. i was just wondering if sports store like NBA one would even hire a fat person or would they just snicker behind my back and it was a waste of my money.




  1. My goodness...dont be silly.Do you have previous work experiance? Are you friendly and outgoing?  Those are thea things they will be looking for. Is this a reatail store? I have worked retail all my life, and one thing that is a must is apperance, I will tell you that. Apperance meaning, clean clothes, if your a boy..clean shoes, clean haircut, shaved. If your a girl, hair done, face on, no chipped fingernail polish etc...If this company does not hire you it will not be because of your weight. That would be discrimination and you could sue them for that. So good luck, its all about what you have within...especially when it comes to sales.  

  2. You only look weird to yourself because you are not used to seeing yourself dressed up.  The people doing the interview have never seen you, so you will look perfectly normal to them. Don't worry about your weight. Go in there with some confidence.  You'll be fine.  Good luck!
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