
Need some advice we are TTC?

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The first day of my last period was July 26th I was supose to start on the 23rd and i still havent started we are ttc and I have very sore nipples and pee alot and just dont feel all that well i have been really tired lately. I took a HPT today i am 2 days late and it was a BFN. Should i wait and test again or what. The last time i was 8 days late before getting a BFP. The last time I had no symptoms and it was a blighted ovum ending with a d&c and this time i think i have symptoms what should i do




  1. Hi, That sounds very similar to me.  I'm in my second pregnancy and the first ended in a missed miscarriage.  I'm almost at the end of my first trimester this time.  I would say wait a couple days and try again.  Get the Dr. to do it if you want to save money.  Blood work of course is the most accurate way to telll, but your Dr. may not do it on a hunch.  If you get a positive HPT, then you can get the blood work.  I had my Dr. do the blood work every week this time around to monitor.

    Good luck

  2. Go to the doc for a blood test. Its way more accurate early on, and you do sound like you have early symptoms. Good luck, I hope you get the answer you want :)

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