
Need some advise please.?

by Guest60788  |  earlier

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We have a 9 year old son who my husband and I are at odds with at what is appropriate or acceptable for him to be allowed to do.

Its small things like. Is it acceptable for him to hit againt the wall in our living room a ball the size of a tennis ball but made of rubber so quite hard. This happens even while we are watching tv and he is in our way and quite noisy. It annoyes me and I don't want to damage the walls or tv etc. I say balls are for outside but my husband says this is what normal kids are like. Our son is quite an attention seeker (who gets alot of attention).

Not sure if I should put my foot down.




  1. I believe that balls are for outside, however, I do give my son a foam ball to play with when he is watching TV.  It's not noisy, so it won't disturb anyone and the chances of somethng breaking from a foam ball are slim.

  2. I wouldn't allowed my chilrdren to throw a ball indoors. Apart from the risk of things getting damaged I think it shows a lack of respect for his home. I think this is part of a larger issue, to me it seems that he resents your watching the TV because he isn't the centre of attention. All kids need quality time but your whole life shouldn't just revolve around him. I'm sure your a great Mum but if you don't put your foot down now you may be making a rod for your own back.

  3. Certain activities are for outside only, and I believe that playing ball is one of them. If you don't put your foot down now and stick with rules, you are going to have a very hard time later. Kids are usually not happy with rules set out for them, but they are there for the safety of themselves as well as others. This is just a small problem now but if you don't correct it, you will have larger more difficult problems to handle in the future. If he thinks he can do what he wants now, imagine what he will be like when you try to enforce rules for him in the future.

  4. Wait until your son throws the ball in the house and it hits something special of dads nd breaks it and then see if he still thinks it is ok.  BALLS ARE FOR OUTSIDE.  I wouldnt worry as much about damaging the walls but anything else is a concern.  Our kids know the balls, waterguns,bats etc are all for outside and outside only and if they get caught with it in the house it becomes mine and they might get it back and they might not.  I agree with your hubby that all kids try it but a lot of kids try drinking and drugs to but you wouldnt let yours.  Do what you think is right for your kid and your home not what all the other parents are doing.

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