My girlfriend may be pregnant on a very accidental occurence. First time with us I went in for 10 seconds and then stopped because I was nervous and so was she, and yet that 10 seconds seems to be haunting us. We have used a condom every time ever since, but she hasn't had a period in 2 months. She has no symptoms, but now is getting cramps that come and go (hopefully period), though she said she never had it like this before.
Anyway, I am only 19 and she is 20, we are both at a good college with a lot ahead of us, and though we both love kids it just feels like it isn't the time. We said we are pro-life, and she sticks by it and now I'm nervous about the idea. We both are very family oriented with our families now and want to be in our futures, but I want to go to school and be able to do everything I could for a child, and don't know how possible that is now.
Any advice, words of reasssurance, experiences, please help me. I'm very nervous and scared, never saw myself in this spot