
Need some anwers. i really need advice?

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Im been thinkin about movin when im 18. I was wondering about movin in with a roomate. also how is it like and is it safe and is it fun.




  1. you have a job that's going to pay well enough for you to move out on your own? It costs a lot more than just have to remember about utilities, food, cell phone, insurance, car, etc.  You need to figure out your finances before you get into a lease.  And second make sure you know the roomate before you move in.  If you do the thing, then get to know them first.  Don't just settle because it'll turn out real bad.  Trust me. I did the same thing when I turned 18 and was out of the lease within 2 months just because of the roommates.  We got a long at first, but our living situations were completely different.  They were very messy and I was clean.  We had different views on a lot of things, mostly the things you don't find out before you move in with someone.

  2. It isn't that easy!  First you have to have a job and money saved up for the security deposit.  Without any credit you might have a problem getting a phone turned on, electricity turned on and other utilities.

    You have to pay your rent on time - not just  close to the due date - you must pay on time or you will get kicked out and your security deposit will be confiscated!   You will be liable for any damage, you  can't make noise that will interfere with your neighbors, you can't be an *** and block other cars in. Lots of stuff you have to do and rules to follow!

    If you room with a bum you can expect that that bum will cause trouble for you!   If your bum friend causes damage or makes too much noise, etc. you may get evicted and you lose your security deposit!  If your bum friend doesn't have a job or hold a job you are going to have to pay for the entire rent or leave!  If you have a rental contract or lease you can be responsible for the rent even if you are not living there anymore!  With a signed lease you can not just up and quit when you can't afford the rent - you owe rent for the remainder of the lease or until someone else moves in.

    Stay at home for another year saving money but pay your family for room and board too!   Nothing is free in life, including living at home! When you are 18 you are supposed to be responsible!

    Safety depends on the character of your roommate(s) and where you live.  If you live in an area where they are all dopers and bums you will be less safe!

    Good luck.

  3. well the safe part depends on where you move to. If you are nervous about being safe I would have a roommate. I moved out when I was 18 and loved it. It's hard at first having to do everythign on your own for the first time, but it's very liberating. No one tells you what to do or when to do it, it's great. But that can also mean trouble, long as you can use youe head wisely you'll be fine. Don't do something that you know will be a mistake. And make sure you can afford whatever you move into. It's very stressful having to pay your way for the first few years.

  4. Before you move out you had better have a job, after you leave mom and dad aren't going to pay your rent.  Having a couple of thousand in the bank is also a good idea, you are going to have a lot of expenses that you haven't even though about.  As to room mates, it isn't a bad idea but you will be losing a lot of privacy and you are going to need to find someone that you can tolerate, it sounds easy but a lot of friendships have died because of sharing an apartment.

  5. stay at home as long as you can save your money God only knows what kinda freak you could get as a roommate no matter how long you have know someone there will be things that will p**s of the two of you and if you have a lease your stuck .

  6. Well, first of all don't just move in with your best friend cause it would be fun.  You really need to pick a roomate that is reliable.  Think about the people you know and who is responsible and doesn't just blow every bit of money they ever have.  Make sure that you can trust the person to come through on their end and make sure that you have a stable enough income to come through on yours.  Everyone has heard talk of this recession we are headed for so a lot of jobs aren't stable right now, even where people have been employed for years.  Talk to adults that you know will give you good advice and if everything seems right, go for it!  Being out on your own for the first time is really liberating, but you definitely have to become your own parent lol.

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