
Need some cheering up...i got caught stealing today?

by  |  earlier

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it was really stupid and it something i shouldnt have done.

it was only about 8 dollars worth of food from a grocery store.

im 18, in college with a part time jus really sad that this might go on my record...even though i was not arrested and tha cops did not come.

im trying to look on the bright side....i jus keep getting sad




  1. What a great job of cheering us up!!  Don't steal, it's immoral.

  2. Stealing is fun! If you want, do it. If you get caught don't worry about it since there were no real consequences. Morality is just a way to control mass population. Have you ever seen a wealthy man with morals? Of course not. Morality was created for the average man to remain average. If a wealthy man all-of-a-sudden had morality, he will become poor in a month. Do you think our president has morality?  Politicians?  Lawyers? Actors? hey they'll strip for you naked for a good buck. So don't feel bad, you're just on the path of greatness. Throw that guilt and morality out the window and feel relieved that nothing bad happen.

  3. If the cops didn't come you're lucky. It won't go on your record unless you get arrested for it.

    You're probably depressed because you knew better, you let yourself down. I would suggest a sincere apology to the store owner or manager, by phone if you don't feel up to a personal visit.

    Thank this person for letting you go, and promise them you have learned a valuable lesson.

    And don't be so hard on yourself. The main thing is that you now know some consequences aren't worth the risk.

  4. If you are that bad off i suggest you enlist in the armed forces.

  5. Talk to the store owner and apologize say you're not like that usually maybe offer to work it off and be sincere. if you already said sorry contact him again and tell him you still feel bad about it. You won't get charged. $8 isn't even worth the paperwork. The worst thing I see happening is a warning. And I don't even see that happening. Don't feel bad, that's just a little naughty, not grand larceny. I stole an ashtray from a restaurant not that long ago. Normally I don't steal, I don't have the guts. I'm sure I'd be upset if I was caught so I understand. I would never steal from a person or family or anything but what you did is not that bad. People do a lot worse and everyone is naughty sometimes. It will be fine. Oh and you know what might make you laugh, Andy d**k's mug shot.

  6. i suggest not getting caught

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