
Need some conversation starters??

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Ok, I've already posted one question about confidence, now i need some conversation starters. Ok, I am new to this high school, and I am afraid that if they all have their groups and I won't fit in well enough. So i really need some good conversation starters. School starts tomorrow, Help!!




  1. Best thing about high school: You'll always fit in with some group of people that will love you for you

    Don't be worried about what people think of you, high school isn't as scary as it seems once you get the hang of things. Be careful, be cautious (of older boys fooling you), and most important- have fun. stop worrying so much, you are amazing!

  2. "Hey, your hair is so pretty, I love the color of it, it makes your eyes stand out"

    "oh i saw some gurl wearing that top at the mall or sumthing, she looked horrible, lol, but it looks so awesome on you!!"

    "Hey, your eyebrows look really perfect, who does them for you?"

    "Ah i love those color shoes on you, that's totally your color"

  3. Meg

    Do nothing. Smile often, talk nice to those who approach you.

    You do not need to fit in any group, but be nice and the groups will want to fit you in their groups. Do not put yourself under pressure thinking that you might not fit somewhere. Do not try to fit yourself in any group, but have everybody as your friends if you can. That is best. Don't make yourself distinctive of a particular group as this might cause people not liking you because you belong to such and such group without knowing you.

    Free girl with no attachment to any group is best.

    Contact me if you need further help, I can build your confidence

  4. Wow school starts already. any ways conversation starters will be question like, what classes are you taking, where are you from, what kinda sports/things are you into, How are you finding your 1st day so far. remember you have to be prepared to answer questions at the same time!

  5. do something weird, they'll ask you about it, and you can go from there. also just be yourself (its not the easiest thing in the world, but its the best thing you can do) hope everything works out!!!!! =]

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