
Need some encouragement.

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I am an athlete and I blew out my knee. I am going to get my results for my knee tomorrow and I'm so nervous I can't sleep. Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Prayer. It's what athletes use most.  

  2. have some faith. be hopeful. even if they might be bad results, make the best of them. it's not the end of the world. the end of the world would be bad. i'm sorry, and good luck.  

  3. You know I went through something similar my senior year in high school I was a very competetive volleyball and softball player, My situation didn't turn out very well.

    BUT there is no use in loosing sleep over something you can not control, you can't go back and change what happend you can only hope for the best.

    Good Luck hun!

  4. Don`t worry.Relax.Everything always comes out fine in the end. "Akuna matata" -Lion King

  5. Given time and proper nutrition, the human body can recover from any injury or illness. Even though it might be hard, do what you can to try to sleep. It's essential for you to heal. And don't put too much stock in what the doctors say. They're good at things like surgery that can help make you better, but your most powerful medicine is your own mind. Don't let the doctors' diagnoses and big words scare you; just keep telling yourself that you can and will recover, and you will.

  6. Athletes have recovered from having blown out their knees through recovery, don't sweat it.  

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