
Need some good fundraising suggestions?

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I'm doing a marathon for Team in Training and need a few good fundraising suggestions. I'm going to hit up friends and family, hold a garage sale and volunteer with the organization for monetary credit. I'm looking for a few other original ideas?




  1. You may want to try sponsorship with some sports company...

    Like those formula races.. the cars were all painted up with products by sponsor company... Advertising space on your running gears and attires.. Why not? just give it a try...

  2. The company I work with helps people set up several low cost or no cost fundraiser programs, and I think we could help you. There's several different options! Our web based fundraiser costs nothing to set up, and you keep 100% of the profit!! You would just set up the site with some basic info about what you want to raise funds for, invite people to have a look, and off you go! Feel free to email me at and I'll give you all the details!

    Good luck!


  3. There are actually many sites on-line that offer various fund raising options. One that is kinda cool is selling coupon booklets.

    They are inexpensive and can be for local eateries.

  4. Raffle tickets!

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