
Need some help!!? With test results?

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I tested with crystal clear on friday and it had a very faint second line which was really thin..

Yesterday (Tuesday) I tested with clear blue and it wasn`t early morning urine and both tests were negative..

So now I`m not to sure which test is right




  1. Woo Whoo! you are with child!  conragulationgs, a line is a line no matter how faint!

  2. same thing happened to my sister-in-law.  she took one and it was negative and she threw it away and a couple hours later she saw it in the trash and it had a very faint line, she took 2 more tests both neg. but she was pregnant and now has a baby girl.  Even a very faint line is positive.  So either it's a false pos. or maybe it's still early, get a blood test.

  3. Different brands test different amounts of hcg, the pregnancy hormone. If one tests at about 20 -- the one you did Friday -- then it sounds right if you did get that second line within the time frame. The ones from yesterday might test 100 or so, and your body might not have that much hcg yet. I would try a 20-25 miu test (dollar tree sells them) again tomorrow morning. Good luck, I know it's tough not knowing!

  4. If you had a faint line with first morning urine then you are pregnant. Your second test was probably with diluted urine and the HCG was not strong enough. Take a test tomorrow with first urine again if you are still unsure.  

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