
Need some help for oily skin?

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i have really got a oily skin with open pores visible...if going out for a party..i look fresh..but after a couple of hours..everythn is messed up..with the oil on the skin..and in close up looks horrible...can any body suggest smthn that really works coz i have tried many things on it...would really appreciate if something works




  1. Neutrogena Oil-free Acne Wash.

    Neutrogena moisturizer for combination skin.

  2. I also have oily skin and after some trials and advice I have figured out how to cope with it and its breakouts.

    I wash 3 times a week with an exfoliate (i use a garnier pure deep scrub gel), then i immediately use a moisturiser for oily skin -even though your skin is oily, you need to use a moisturiser because it will absorb the oil during the day and keep other areas smooth (i use clean & clear for oily skin moisturiser)

    When I dont exfoliate, I use a wash for oily skin - morning and night and i always put the moisturiser on afterwards.

    I also use Neutrogena for when I get breakouts (Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Eliminating Spot Gel)

    After all this you can apply your make-up.

    Hope this helps, its hard work but it becomes part of your routine and its really helps with getting rid of the shinyness and breakouts.

  3. A good thing for oily skin people is to carry around those clean and clear oil absorbing sheets. I personally also have oily skin and those work liek a dream to mop up excess oil.

    ALso, use a good powder on your face. Ones with Kaolin in it are good cause they do not cause breakouts but do help absorb oil. An AMAZING loose powder for cheap too is NYC's Loose powder (found at Target or other stores, but i bought mine at Target). If you're pale go for the Translucent, but if you're a medium toned girl go for the naturally beige.

    As far as skin care goes, even though your oily, you need to use a moisturizer If not, your skin produces even more oil to make up for the lack of moisture and you get a big oily mess. So, use a good lotion that's moisturizing but not too oily.

    The ABSOLUTE BEST line of skin care products I have EVER used in my life (and I've tried tons, literally) is Dermalogica. Dermalogica's MediBac line is GREAT for us oily gals.

    Hope that helps! And good luck with your skin .  

  4. Clean&Clear advantage acne kit.

    it gets rid of acne and also drys the skin more then regular products.

    plus it comes with this acne cream and a moisterizer that actually absorbs the oil out of your face. mine included oil absorbing sheets as a bonus!! btw i'm asian so i have oily skin!!  

  5. Biore- Ice Cleanser

    It works really well!

  6. Here's a really good facial that helps oily skin


    Half of an avocado

    Half of a cucumber

    1 egg white

    2 tsp. of powdered milk

    blend it up and then put it on your face and leave for 30 min.

    wash off with COLD water.  like ice cold

    Good luck!

  7. Neutrogena Oil-free Acne Wash.

    Neutrogena moisturizer for combination skin.

    They work great =D

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