
Need some help on my chances in getting in a good college.?

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I did really bad in high school and then joined the navy since I joined I am two classes from graduating from UP with a grade around 3.0 and took my act today. I want to get into a top college in business. Since joining the navy I have selected for special projects and done very well in them and up for achievment medals. Will college look at this stuff. What kind of score do I need to get on my act. I want to college in new york like Rochester or something along them lines. I dont now if clepping looks good for college to show you have a understanding of the subject even if they dont except it but I have clepped over 10 things.




  1. I wish I had good news for you -- but I don't.  So -- here is the brutal truth.

    Your chances are not very good.

    Your HS grades do not matter.  I don't know what school you mean by UP.  If you mean University of Phoenix, then I doubt that there is any ranked MBA program that will give you serious consideration, and my estimation of your chances drops from "Not very good" to "None whatsoever."

    Since you did not fo well in High School, I will assume that UP is not a top school like University of Pennsylvania.  But if it is a reasonably good university like Pittsburgh, then you have a slim chance of getting into a ranked program if there was improvement in your grades as you went through school and you get a high GMAT.

    I think a good MBA program like University of Rochester is highly unlikely, and an elite program (top 12) is completely out of the question.

  2. Go to a junior college first. Don't go home near your old friends and family who will drag you back into old habits. Get good grades and transfer to a good state school after two years. It costs less and will save you a lot of heart ache. College is tough, even after the Navy.  Don't set your sights on the big prize before laying the foundation. You need to learn how to communicate in an academic environment before you get there or you'll be sunk.  

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