
Need some help with Dutch. Can you please help?

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Here's a short paragraph from a letter I got from a friend, he wrote this bit in Dutch, and I was wondering if anyone can translate this into English and tell me what he means. thanks:

Hè, ik schrÿf nu in het Nederlands voor je. Je snapt er helemaal nix van, maar dat hindert niets. Ik weet niet precies wat voor dongen of ideeën ik hier moet opschrÿven. Ik vind je best wel raar en ook grappig. Mija volgende zin ga ik proberen te schrÿven met de grootste woorden die ik weef. Hoogstwaarschijnlÿk ken ik een paar mensen met de noemenswaardig heid van jou. Alleen een paar.




  1. "Now I'm writing in Dutch for you. You can't understand any of it. I don't know precisely what kind of things or ideas I should write. I find you a bit odd and also funny. {...} next sentence I'll try the big words that I know. Most probably I know a few people with the considerableness of you. Only a few"

    This written Dutch is quite bad. I hope he isn't a native.

    btw, Dutch does have accented letters.

  2. I don't think it's Dutch because Dutch does not have any accent letters, it looks more like a Frisian dialect. Or it could be a dialect of another Germanic language.

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