
Need some help with constipation?

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Im 32 weeks pregnant and haven't had a BM in a few days now. I take 2 colace pills every night. Today I feel as though its right there but wont come out and it hurts really bad. What can I do???




  1. i had the same problem so i had prune juice. it worked out well.

  2. I had the same problem - ate some dried prunes - problem solved.

  3. i know its gross and somewhat humiliating.. but go to a drugstore and buy an e***a.

    i did this because i had issues as well. it sucks doing it but it is well worth it. my tummy felt SO much better like an hr later.

    make sure you drink lots of fluids afterward because cleaning yourself out like that can dehydrate you sometimes. and dehydration can cause preterm labor and false contractions.

    good luck.

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