
Need some help with ideas for an essay!?

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It was my first day back today and my US history teacher assigned us a practice essay about : should the school day be extended to 8 hours! currently we have a 6 hour school day. I need some ideas to support that no we should not extend to 8 hours! thanks a lot for the help guys!




  1. I would say that's fine, but there would not be any homework given because those extra 2 hours at home would normally be spent doing homework..  Now, homework is important because it teaches students the responsibility of getting work done when they can be doing other things... so if you take away homework, you're taking away this important life lesson.  If school was extended to 8 hours a day and the students were given homework on top of that, a higher percentage of students would not complete their homework which would bring the average grades down and will make the school, the state, and the country's education levels fail as a whole.

  2. 1) You need more time to do the crazy amounts of homework that the teachers give you.

    2) You need more time for extracurricular activities.

    3) You have an after school job/chores

    4) You're family needs you at home

    5) You have meetings to attend with a therapist or whoever

    6) You have to walk you're neighbors dog before they get home from work.

    7) You are a growing teen and need you're beauty rest

    I am out of ideas....good luck on your paper.

  3. If they extended it to eight hours, they would have to work more, they would get more pay but everyone loses out on more social time.

    Its an extra ten hours in a weeks so to make it fair they should make weekends longer or have longer holidays!

    Out of school clubs will go out of business and there will be allsorts of chaos!

    Rush hour will be even worse with loads of kids and shops close at five so they wouldn't be able to go to the local shop after school.

    In the winter they will be going home in the dark which is a high risk for safety and kids will not feel safe as they would it school closed 2 hours earlier - in the daytime!

    Maybe this helps you to think of some more ideas, hope i helped ;)

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