
Need some helppzz????

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when I m********e, I don't know if I am doing it right i'm 13, about 3 minutes in I get this sensational feeling but after that it hurts if I do it anymore for another 5 minutes idk if this is an o****m or not but no ejaculation please help




  1. it's an o****m, but ur not quite old enuff or developed enough to ejaculate...

    just hav fun!

  2. When the pressure has built up (you call it hurting) does your p***s then go soft as soon as you stop? If so, the other answerer is right.

    If not, then I think that you might be stopping too soon. There is a "barrrier" to go through before the climax occurs.

    Once you have gone through the "barrier" s***n should come out of your p***s - but then again, this could purely be a puberty issue.

    Good luck. h
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