
Need some ideas! creative people..please help!?

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i have to make a short movie about the enviroment based on cartoon characters. Any ideas on stories i could use?




  1. How about some polar bears living on a large iceberg or ice floe that just keeps shrinking under the effects of global warming?  One day -- there goes the neighborhood!

  2. MULAN... Apart from loving the cartoon storyline, the whole set of environment just set, from a village to the war .. it will just potray the every side of environment.. :P

  3. How about the story of two mentally ill people that fall in love in a mental institution?  You could make all the characters animals.  I know this sounds like a joke, but it may turn out good.

  4. Don't know what your assignment was, but you could start with people walking their 'pets' (usually DOGS) and the effects that they AFFECT...  (reverse the spelling if you have to )...  You will have to decide what you want to film, and how you want to SAY it, but here's some thouhgts...  Dog 'fertilizes'...  it kills the grass...  (Female dog I kept for my daughter pissed all over the yard...  everywhere that dog pissed...  it's BROWN...  not GREEN...  did she 'fertilize' it, or did she 'fertilize' it so much that she killed it???  I don't know...  I know what I have to DO to REGROW grass...  YOUR project...  just trying to give you something to 'think' about ...

  5. Global Warming, Toxic sludge(look it up, real stuff the government pays ppl to put on their land, ppl in baltimore got sick from it), The ozone, The sun, The nature cycle how things work, gas, pollution.

  6. How do you make a short movie about global warming? Start at the beginning and depict the earth as a virtual paradise before man came onto the scene. Everything was fine until the problem evolved. The  "problem" is that "Love of money is the root of all evil". Man cannot, and will not curb his appetite to destroy his entire environment in the interest of money. There are no solutions. You might as well call "going green", going to the bank. The "green" cars and everything else "green" are just a ploy by american investor to capitalize in yet another way on a very unfortunate situation. We know, and they know that no matter what they do, it is to little, too late. You'll see these people at the gate to heaven with big bags of money to buy their way in. Oh Well. All America did was send all of its nasty practices to China where there are no regulations to curtail pollution. Most of the populations of the earth are major polluters, out of necessity or ignorance.  In the end of this movie, unfortunately, mankind perishes. The earth, on the other hand, just paints on a big "happy face" and goes on evolving, just as it has for billions of years. In summation, our need to dominate and exploit everything in the interest of money ends in the extinction of mankind. I predict that this will be a relatively quick process, as Global Warming will adversly affect our habitat completely. Just the cooling of the Gulf Stream will cause tremendous differences in world stability. Storms and other catastrophies are already increasing in frequency and intensity. These anomolies are directly linked to the effects of Global Warming. I need not go on. You know the rest. I hope that this is in some way helpful.

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