
Need some ideas for a tat...?

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Well i'm only 16, got another 2 years to wait yet till i'm going to get a tattoo, possiably longer becuase i want to be completely sure it's what i want done.

I was just wondering if people could give me ideas for things that mean strong, individual, can stand alone things along those lines.

Bareing in mind i'm female, so nothing too masculine!

Thank you in advance!




  1. Am 17 now got mine done at 16 i had chinese writing on my wrist, very meaningful to me so will always love it, Why not get a chinese symbol meaning individual or unique ? they dont look masculine = ] hope i helped good luck, best answer?? xx

  2. Sorry I just had to answer this one even though I'm gonna get slagged off.

    You want a tattoo "Like everyone else" to show that your a Strong individual?

    How about having no tattoo at all and proving that you are a strong individual and that you can stand alone by not following the pack ad having some silly tattoo that you will regret later in life. Ask ant female who has had a tattoo for more than 10 years and many will tell you how much they regret it........


    Good for you girl, respect. You go right ahead and mutilate your body after all if you have been brought up around them it seems sensible. I was brought up by a drunken violent father who used to batter us on a reg basis. I chose not to do that with my life. You are very young still I wouldn't dream of trying to put an old head on young shoulders, I only know that i have many many friends of 30 plus who would give anything NOT to have these assorted green and blue blobs over them. It looks cool when you are younger but trust me wait until you attend the annual dinner wit your director husband and you  have to try and cover up some daft logo that you thought was a good Idea 15 years ago.....still up you, hope that you don't live to regret it. xxxx stay safe

  3. I agree with the possible chinese symbol, or if you're religious something of your religion. You can look for symbols on the internet that mean those things. I found the egyptian symbol of "only god can judge me" and i drew it where i wanted it in permanent marker and left it for a few days, to make sure I liked it and i wanted it.  

  4. urgh dont get a star anywjere on you. Dont get any tattoo on your wrist, it looks tcky and cheap...and nowadays....who hasnt got one on their wrist.....and back to the start, stars urgh!

  5. You could get a black star on the side back bit of ur neck with red outline or ju could get a butterfly on your back any would look nice :)

  6. I agree with Dolly think really hard because it is hard when you are older to have to try to cover up a tat.. in a evening gown.. I am one of those women who thought it was the best thing in the world at 18 now that I have 21 years experience at being 18 I wish someone would have talked me out of it.

  7. A massive tattoo of noel edmunds face on your back.I'm pretty sure it has never been done before.

  8. You should look up a tattoo that stand for you so that when people ask or people see you can explain it has meaning behind  it =] I'd suggest Google-ing tattoo meanings and then you can get a super cute tat that also has a lot of meaning =].

    Exp. I got a nautical star, which stands for navigation and guidance =]

  9. Yeah - no offense - but it is a bit ironic asking for advice on a tattoo that demonstrates your independance.

    If you do want one, just keep an eye out for something visual that means a lot to you. In my opinion a tattoo should demonstrate a passion of yours or something/someone that means a lot to you. Think about the amount of times you'll be asked about your tat over the course of your life. There should be a story behind it, not just

    "Well..erm...hotgirl777 on Yahoo Answers said a pidgeon on my neck might look pretty good."

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