
Need some info about eptopic pregnany?

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if you are having an eptopic pregnancy would you show positive for being pregnant on a hpt?

many thanks

also what are signs of an eptopic pregnancy?





  1. I had an ectopic preganancy.  

    You do show a postitive. You bleed like your having a normal miscarrage, then you get severe pain and cramping on one side either left or right side. It is extremely painful.

    When I had mine. they thought i was having a miscarrage then when they did a blood test a week later, my hormaone levels were still elevated, I ended up having emergency surgery, to rmove my fallopian tube because it ruptured.

  2. yes u will show positive on a pregnancy test

    Ectopic pregnancySymptomsAt first, the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are the same as for a normal pregnancy. They include:

    missed period,tiredness,nausea, andbreast tenderness.Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy normally appear between weeks 4 to 10 of the pregnancy, often two weeks after a missed period, if you have regular periods.

    The symptoms are described below.

    One-sided abdominal pain

    You may expereince pain on one side of your abdomen which can be persistent and severe.

    Vaginal bleeding

    Vaginal bleeding is often a different type of bleeding than your regular period. It could be lighter, or darker, than usual, and is sometimes more watery than your regular period. It is often described as looking like prune juice. Some women often mistake this bleeding for their regular period and do not realise that they are pregnant.

    Shoulder tip pain

    Shoulder tip pain is felt where your shoulder ends and your arm begins. It is not known exactly why shoulder tip pain occurs, but it is a sign that the ectopic pregnancy is causing internal bleeding.

    The bleeding is thought to irritate the phrenic nerve, which is found in your diaphragm (the muscle that is used during breathing and separates your chest cavity from your abdomen). The irritation to the phrenic nerve causes referred pain in the shoulder blade. Referred pain is pain that is felt in one part of the body but originates in another part.

    Bowel pain

    You may experience pain when passing urine, or stools (faeces).


    The most serious symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is known as 'collapse'. This occurs when the ectopic pregnancy has ruptured the fallopian tubes, and is causing dangerous levels of internal bleeding.

    People who have experienced collapse describe it as feeling light-headed and faint, often accompanied by a feeling of 'something being very wrong'. You may also:

    feel sick,have an increased heart rate,look pale, andhave diarrhoea.If your fallopian tubes rupture, you will need emergency surgery to prevent blood loss.

    More than 50% of women who have an ectopic pregnancy experience no symptoms at all, until they experience a collapse. If you have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past, and you think you may be pregnant again, you should see your GP straight away. They will be able to arrange an examination to determine whether or not the pregnancy is ectopic.

    In rare cases, a ruptured fallopian tube can be fatal but, in the vast majority of cases, treatment is successful.

  3. An ectopic pregnancy can show up on a HPT it is very rare tho because the hormone levels are quite low. I had an ectopic pregnancy removed last year and it was painful. The surgery was fine. But the pregnancy itself was very painful. If you don't catch it quick enough you could 1,. Loose ur Fallopian tube 2. you could loose your life. This is not a joke. Get to a doctor if u think thatmight be the issue. It is quite painful and it makes you feel very sick.

  4. yes, but then your hormone levels drop so then you prob wouldn't! Bleeding and shoulder pain !  

  5. I did it was a faint line though, and took ages to show.

    I was fine until I was about 9 weeks and I just felt faint and very sick and had to lay down or I would have passed out with pain on my right side. Shortly after I was sick blood, started to bleed and passed out :( I also had a pain in my shoulder. Hope this helps.  

  6. I have had 2 ectopic pregnancies, I got a positive pregnancy test with both, I had normal pregnancy symptoms and doubling HCG levels. Until I started spotting brown, the bright red blood, my first ectopic ruptured my left tube and I had beyond severe pain, I couldnt move and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital, which I had emergency surgery for. The 2 nd ectopic started the exact same way but my dr caught this one in time and was treated with 2 doses of Methotrexate. I only had pain with my 2nd after I was giving Methotrexate.

  7. One of the main complications in early pregnancy is ectopic pregnancy. This is when a fertilized egg implants itself somewhere other than in the uterine lining. The majority of the time, the egg will implant itself in the fallopian tubes, which is why ectopic pregnancies are also known as tubal pregnancies. However, the egg may also implant itself in the ovary, cervix or abdomen. Ectopic pregnancies never result in a live birth.

    When the fertilized egg begins to grow in the wrong place, it can cause the organ in which it has implanted itself to burst. This is what makes ectopic pregnancies potentially life threatening for the women that have them. But they don't have to be. Recognizing the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy early on can not only help save your life, but it can also decrease your risk of scarring and future fertility problems.

    Signs and Symptoms

    Unfortunately, some of the main ectopic pregnancy symptoms are similar to the signs of a regular pregnancy, making it easy to ignore the potential red flags. The most common symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are:

    • a late period

    • unusual vaginal bleeding (unusual color, flow, or consistency)

    • a positive pregnancy test

    • fainting, lightheadedness, or dizziness

    • pain in your lower abdominal

    • shoulder pain

    • bladder or bowel pain

    Feeling sharp, stabbing pain, especially in your abdomen, is a big warning sign that you may be having an ectopic pregnancy. If you experience a combination of any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your health care provider as soon as you can and ask them to test you for an ectopic pregnancy.

    Diagnosing an Ectopic Pregnancy

    Although the rates of ectopic pregnancy are on the rise, more and more health care providers are screening their female patients for ectopic pregnancies. This means that more women can be diagnosed and treated earlier, resulting in fewer deaths from this complication.

    If you do not already have a confirmed pregnancy, your health care provider will offer you a urine pregnancy test. If this comes up positive, a blood test will be ordered to measure your levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Based on the date of your last menstrual period and the approximate length of your pregnancy, an appropriate hCG levels can be assumed. HCG levels in an ectopic pregnancy tend not to rise as quickly as they would in a regular pregnancy. If your bloods tests show that your hCG levels are lower than they should be, there is a very good chance you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy.

    Your health care provider will probably also do a pelvic exam to see if there are any signs of pregnancy. She or he will also be checking for anything that seems unusual. Alternatively, an ultrasound can also be used to check for and confirm an ectopic pregnancy. However, getting an accurate visual diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is not always easy.

    Since it is hard to visually detect any kind of pregnancy before six weeks, if you suspect you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy early on, you may require regular monitoring of your hCG levels until you reach the six-week mark. If, by this time your hCG levels are still not rising as fast as they should be, an ultrasound can be used to determine the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy.


    If it is caught early enough, ectopic pregnancy treatment can be quite simple. Methotrexate is administered to women who have been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages. This is an injected drug that will dissolve the fetus and allow the body to reabsorb it. It is a noninvasive procedure and reduces the amount of scarring to your reproductive organs.

    More advanced cases of ectopic pregnancies require surgery to end the pregnancy. While in the past this was major surgery and required a large incision to be made, today the procedure has been simplified into laparoscopic surgery.

    A laparoscope is a long and hollow tube that has a light on the end, allowing the doctor to see inside and insert telescopic surgical tools. This procedure is not very invasive; only a small incision (big enough for the laparoscope) is made in your lower abdomen. Sometimes, another small incision is made for the surgeon's tools. If there is extensive internal damage or bleeding, a more invasive procedure may be required.

    After your treatment, you will require further monitoring and a follow-up to ensure that your hCG levels return to zero. If the levels do not decrease, you may require further treatment, usually with methotrxate to dissolve any residual pregnancy material.

    It is important to receive treatment for an ectopic pregnancy as soon as possible. If left untreated, an ectopic pregnancy can result in the mother's death.

    In the Future

    Many women who have experienced an ectopic pregnancy worry about their chances of successfully conceiving later on. Although experiencing an ectopic pregnancy puts you at a greater risk of having the same complic

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