
Need some kinda help :\?

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Well i have a question, because i am so confused about one girl i kinda like :\ well it all started few months ago when she saw me at school, and we made contact over some chat room she knew i was on. well at that time she had a boyfriend. we talked a lot and she told me that she had interests for me but that she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend. well after lots and lots of weeks and months after that, we still had contact, and i started liking her... and 2 weeks ago her boyfriend broke up with her, and i was the first one she let know about that... i asked her if she wants to hang out with me and that kind of stuff. which she did once, and after 2 three days she told me without any reason that she is not ready for new relationship in near future, which i of course understand because her relationship was just over. but this saturday, two days ago, she was on a party and i was drinking in town with my friends, and she came and meet me. and we were both drinking :P so the first thing she did when she saw me, she kissed me on a cheek. and she hold around me, under my t shirt and everything, and then we kissed couple of times... and then we went to other party danced dirty together, making out and everything... and then we went to my place, because she didn't have other place to sleep over that night, and i'm not kind of guy that sleeps with girls just because they are drunk, so she was sleeping in my bed, and i was sleeping on the sofa... and on sunday morning i made her little breakfast and everything, she didn't mention anything about evening before, and i didn't want to mention anything either, because i didn't want to hear like : im sorry i was drunk, or smth :\.... soo we talked little today, but nothing special, i asked if she wanted to hang out one day, and she told me to tell her whenever i have time :) and of course my question is: what to think? i am confused about, should i ask her out on date or what? :\ any girl out there that knows what a guy should do? tx alot! it would mean a lot to me!!! love ya all <3




  1. she&#039;s a s**t?

    You shouldn&#039;t just make out with her because you&#039;re both drunk, that is the worst and most undignified thing that could happen.

  2. i think you should be very cautious of her and make sure you are not the rebound guy... because if she really really liked you, she would&#039;ve left her bf already.  And if her reason was becuz she didnt want to hurt him, she hurt him worse for dragging the relationship longer.  I really think you need to be VERY VERY careful &gt;.&lt; plus, if you guys end up together, it would be hard to trust someone like her

  3. Just hang out with her a couple of times. If it feels right you can ask her out.  

  4. it was a fling, try your luck if you want, but don&#039;t get clingy.

    chances are she won&#039;t want you for permanantly.

  5. Stay in touch but dont pester her too much,she was obviously out having a good time and you were there and of course because you have been her kinda shoulder to cry on she felt comfortable around you..nice that you didnt try to take advantage of her when she was drunk so i am sure that will have put you higher on her list of good guys she wants to be around...good luck i hope it works out for both of you

  6. this was SO difficult to read cuz they&#039;re are like NO breaks. i almost stopped reading. and she was drunk. she wasnt exactly sure of her actions. and you were in a chat room?! thats lame. if she said she wasnt ready then shes not ready, cuz shes obvioulsy not the one to be shady about letting people know how she feels. give her space. and does she know you like her?

  7. ok well 100% of the weirdness on her part can be attributed to the ex-boyfriend... shes just not sure what to do and she wants to see if she likes you.. i know this because i am basically dennis rodman when it comes to being the rebound guy (incase u dont get it, i am often a rebound guy.) now, what you want to do is figure out what you want.. if you want to go out with her, then you need to hit the gas right now.. be careful not to pressure her because that will most definately blow it.. call her, but only to set up a hang out... and when you do hang out, try to set it up so that your with her for extended period of time so that your on her mind alot more.. but if you just wanna fool around with her, then just let her call you and dont call her.. i got lots of experience in the field so try it out bro

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