
Need some opinion should i end contact with this guy now?

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a friend of mine told me she thought i should meet a guy she knows from work because she thought he was nice or whatever.he and i recently started keeping in touch by email and things have been going well but recently my friend has told me she has started seeing another side to this guy.she says at work he talks to his male co workers and brags about girls or tries to make him self come across as some kinda suave friend says hes a typical guy and is also geeky wich is why she feels he puts on an act for others.i honestly only wanted a friend nothing romantic with this guy but after hearing this stuff it has truned me off my question is should i stop all contact now? my friend says i shouldnt just leave things hanging but what else can i do write him and say i dont wanna talk to him any more?? i need your thoughts!




  1. it sounds like it's all an act

    he just wants to sound good in front of his friends I dont think you should let that ruin the friendship that you are trying to built with him. Just has long has hes not saying lies about you like he got to 3rd base or even home with you. If he says things like that then get rid of him but if its jsut that he try's to seem like some kind of ladies man I dont think thats enough reason to stop contacting him.  

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