
Need some opinions...Question on whether I should test this week or wait till Im late??

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I am leaving for school August 19th. I fly back on Oct 18th and then my husband leaves for Texas for a army school thing two days later and he gets back on Dec 15th-ish. My period should come Friday. I have the symptoms that lead me to question whether they are PMS or not. ( nausea, back pain, lower abd discomfort, slight dizzinesss...etc..) I would love to find out before I leave so we can share the excitement together, but I just don't if I should test with a early HPT this week.




  1. It couldn't hurt.

    Take a test this week, but double check next week with another home test and schedule an appointment with your doctor to verify the results. Your test next week will likely be more accurate, though. Even the tests that promise results before a missed period aren't completely accurate.

  2. You could take a first response test they tell you five days before your missed period. Good luck!!

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