
Need some psychological advice or i dont know ... really.?

by  |  earlier

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something, i don't know how to call it, unexpected happened inside the house... 2 of my i considered already a family but not related by blood was fighting, i mean it was really a boxing match without gloves, and they i really thot they were going to kill each other coz one is holding a knife and the other one was ice pick... one of them was really injured, cut on right eyebrow and left cheek, the other one was ok... i got some bruise on my left lap, i dont know anymore whats it called...

it was unlike me when something like this happens, i mean i was really stunned. when i saw them fighting, i was act-incapable, do not know what to do, i was just standing there ... if our neighbors and friends did not went in the house, i dont know exactly what will happen.. before it happens, they were laughing and then a couple of hours later, they did that...

is there something wrong with me? i mean, i do not know what i felt on that moment, until now...

is there a book that i could read in dealing situation like so that ill be able to stop from something like that again?




  1. it's a normal reaction to a highly stressful situation and certainly does not reflect badly on you at all.

    however, i recommend that you seek some counscelling from a psychologist for post traumatic stress.

    certainly if i encountered such a situation i would need help.

    good luck

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