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So I am about 7 weeks pregnant, last period was July 3rd. (Took 4 tests, plus went to the health clinic to get confirmed) I guess at this point I am just anxious. I am not sure how to feel. I am definitely happy about being a mom, but I am very nervous. If it wasn't for the missed period, nausea (which I still am convinced it comes from the prenatal vitamins) and the constant need to sleep, I wouldn't even notice I was pregnant. Is this normal? Sometimes I worry that maybe the baby went away (not literally, I haven't had any bleeding or any problems, thank god), or maybe I am not even pregnant it is just some crazy hormone malfunction. I know I might sound crazy, but did you ever feel this way in the beginning of your pregnancy? I guess since I can't see or feel the baby yet, it is hard to believe that I actually am pregnant.

My first official ob visit isn't until Sept. 4 and I am going crazy meanwhile.

I just want to see the little love growing inside of me and see that everything is ok.

Any advice to keep me from going crazy?

could this be the hormones? lol




  1. It's not hormones, it's just called being a first time pregnant mommy! The worry will never go away until your baby is born, and then a whole new set of worries will start. Moms tend to be natural worriers. But anyway, it's not unusual to feel this way. You're not crazy at all. Sept 4 isn't too far away and they should give you a vaginal ultrasound so you can see it's little heart beating. You won't hear it, but you'll see it on the monitor. The baby is there. It's not uncommon not to really have any symptoms either. Lucky gal! Congrats!

  2. what do you mean no signs of pregnancy, your starting to stress and get anxious lol, your doc will send you for a dateing scan to find out exact dates and will send you for blood tests which is all normal. measurements and just routine stuff. don't worry that you don't feel pregnant, you won't for a few weeks yet. you should start feeling kicks at 18 weeks, before then it's usually like butterflies in your tummy. morning sickness is normal between 8 and 12 weeks unless your like me and with my first had it morning, noon and night for the whole 9 months. i'm 25 weeks now with my 3rd and still have morning sickness. just enjoy still being able to fit in your clothes because soon you won't be able to. good luck and congrats

  3. I was pretty much in the same situation as you are. I still don't really feel like I'm pregnant and still wonder that there really is a baby in there. I don't have any symptoms. I had morning sickness like crazy though, but it stopped a few days ago, so now I'm symptomless. Also part of the problem for me is I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and I haven't had one since and won't until I'm 18 weeks. Suggestion on the prenatal vitamins try taking them at night, I had to do that it helped.

  4. I felt like this to everything will be fine I tried to sleep alot more lol to avoid going crazy from being anxious but it's nerve racking good thing it wasent hard to SLEEP FOREVER lol

    try to take your prenatals before you go to sleep that should help

  5. It's very normal to feel the way you're feeling.  They probably won't do an ultrasound and it will mostly be informational and a lot of paperwork.  They will draw blood so make sure you eat first so you don't faint.  As for nausea, it probably is caused by your prenatal vitamins.  A lot of women have that problem.  Apparently it helps to take them right before bedtime. If the problem still doesn't go away, try switching pills.  It shouldn't be morning sickness this early.  My hubby didn't go to my first appointment, it was pretty boring.  Just write down any questions and I'd advise picking up the book What to Expect when You're expecting from a bookstore or the library.  It's a wonderful pregnancy resource.

  6. While I had many pregnancy symptoms, I did not fully believe I was growing a child inside of me until I saw her little body at my 20 week ultrasound. It is very normal to feel the way you do.

    At your first OB visit, the doctor will make you fill out paper work, ask about disease and disorders in the family, weigh you, ask about your birth control method, get a urine sample from you, and give you a pelvic exam. The doctor may send you to get blood work done as well. The whole visit is pretty simple but sometimes can be long.

    Bring your insurance card and the amount for your co-pay. Make sure you know your SS number and have a license with you as well.

    If you'd like to bring your partner, he is always welcome. Congratulations on your first baby!!

  7. I didn't have the same experience because I had extremely sensitive nipples, my b*****s grew two cup sizes, I had morning sickness 24/7.

    Your first prenatal visit will ease your mind.  

  8. Prenatal vitamins can cause nausea. Either switch to another brand, One-A-Day are easily tolerated or buy a high quality prenatal vitamin at your health food store. Take them with a meal as well.

    Pregnancy signs begin to end at this time if you are eating well and drinking plenty of fluids. Some moms don't actually believe they are pregnant until the baby comes out. So this is perfectly normal.

    A cup a day of red raspberry leaf tea can help to soothe hormonal swings and soothe your nerves during pregnancy. It is also normal to be very protective of your baby and that could be why you are feeling this way. Congrats and best wishes, G

  9. its normal to feel that way everyone does it is a scary thing and on your first visit they will just do some blood tests and little things nothing major.  

  10. i felt like that off and on in the beginning of my pregnancy. after i had my first ultra sound it felt more real. i don't know how to explain it but just wait in a few short months she will be moving so much you cant miss the fact that she is there! good luck and congrats!

  11. I understand how you are feeling. It is almost unbelievable to imagine that you are growing another living human being.  The symptoms that you are having are all signs of a healthy pregnancy. As time goes on you will feel a lot more. To keep from going nuts take the time to read everything that you can get your hands on about pregnancy your mind is going to be on it anyway. Honestly, I wound up taking a lot of additional Hpt's before I got to hear the baby's heartbeat at my Dr's visit, just to be sure ;-) Well, I did that with a couple of my kids anyway by the third and fourth kid it was more like "here we go again" lol At the first visit they will give you a complete exam and a lot of information. They will probably try to listen for the heartbeat which you may or may not be able to hear depending on how far along you are. I would take your partner with you just to start getting him involved with the pregnancy right away.

  12. could be a bit of the hormones...consider yourself one of the lucky ones because your not getting sick and feeling really pregnant...i was the exact same way...i just felt a little bloated at the beginning and not really pregnant until about 4-5 months when my belly started to really show and i started feeling the baby...its normal so consider yourself lucky...

    the nausea from the prenatal vitamins can be prevented.. try taking your supplements with food or just before you go to bed.  If this is ineffective, check with your physician to see if you can switch to a prenatal supplement without iron for the first trimester...

    Congrats :o)

  13. I am 9 weeks and 2 days prego. I have had sore b***s at the beginning. No morning sickness...even from my pre natals. I have only been tired and grouchy. During my first visit, they only did a pap but I had to have a ultra sound because I was raped. My husband and I had been trying to concieve for 1 1-2 years. So we are sad about what happened but very excited to have a new addition. It has been so hard for the both of us knowing that it most likely isnt his. God will guide us. But it is hard not being able to see or hear or touch your baby. Time flys. I am already into my 3 month and so forth:) It will go by fast:)

  14. okay some  women don't start showing for like 6 months so dont worry about not showing
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