
Need some tips 4 potty training

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i needs some tips on potty training a 2yr old little boy that hates his potty i have done the fruit loop thing doesn't work...i just need help.




  1. I bought my son an elmo video that talks about potty training at their level.  I let him choose his potty and little by little it was happening.  Then there were times he would regress.  My pediatrician recommended finding a time when we didn't have to go anywhere and dedicate it to potty training.  She advised to let my son pick some fun underwear to wear and make it a big celebration.  I bought my son a cake and called it no more diaper day.  I let him wear his underwear.  Of course he had a lot of accidents. But after a while he didn't want to have accidents and would go straight to the potty.  

  2. money as a reward has always worked in my household

  3. start w a designated potty time(e.g) b4 or after nap every day or first thing in themorning, once hes used to this add on another time.  This seemed to work after e few failed attempts w my 2 yr old son.  The key is to make sure hes ready by his hints or it will be a bust! he has to desire it and even then go w his flow dont push. I speak from experience. I wanted it so badly but it didnt work until I backed off and still now we are workin out the kinks. They say it can take 6 months or better to get them to do it all the time.  1-2 days for those lucky people.    

  4. Hi, I've had 5 little boys and they are generally harder than girls to potty train so I sympathise. Frustratingly they are all different and techniques for one child don't work for all. I'm in a similar situation with my youngest who is two and a half and being very retentive, something I've never experienced. I have to say that two is the earliest you should consider potty training and expect it to be  along haul, you won't be disappointed. It can seem like one step forward and two steps back sometimes.

    I have tried books for my son, he loves the "LIttle Princess" book called "I want my potty", great fun to read together, on or off the potty. He has a baby doll and  a baby doll sized potty that we practice with. I am considering introducing a reward system that I learned years ago, a nursery nurse came up with the idea. My now 8 year old was nearly three before being clean and dry (which is quite normal) and I tried the star charts to no avail. His attention was caught by a colourful bottle of bubble solution that sat on a high shelf and every time he used the toilet he got to blow bubbles for a few minutes.It was something special just for him and he was centre of attention which he loved. I had to be strict and only give them for toilet use and no other time, but it helped. You should have seen him sitting on the loo trying to squeeze out a drop. Of course I gave him the bubbles for trying to go, even if he didn't actually produce anything because that was the deal and the intention was there. Perhaps this would work with your son, if he sits on the potty, he gets a reward he wouldn't normally get.  

    Just a thought, my son loved the attention, perhaps your son isn't like that? If he shies away from being the centre of attention, perhaps he would benefit from some privacy while using the potty. What about draping a towel over a chair so he has a screen to keep his potty visits away from all eyes? Anything's worth a try, I know when my two year old is doing a number two because he hides quietly under the dining table to fill his nappy or slips out into the hallway to be alone.

    Other ideas would be to get a trainer seat and a step so he can use the big toilet, works for some children. If he has  a Dad or older brothers at home they could show him how men pee standing up, provide him with a step and he may want to imitate the boys.

    Alternatively, take a break for a few weeks, don't mention the potty at all and go back to it at a later date, he may be ready then.

    It really is trial and error and lots of it, try and relax a bit ( children pick up on adult anxieties)  and he will use the potty or toilet eventually, all children do. Best wishes, Clare

  5. He's too young and obviously not ready.  Let the issue drop until he shows an interest.  I had one child who chose to use a potty at two, and another who skipped the potty and used the normal toilet aged three.  No influence from me other than some encouragement and lessons on  the routine of wiping,flushing and washing hands.  Personally, I think if you push the issue you'll waste a lot of time and energy and he'll get distressed and hate it even more.

    If he's not interested at three  look into techniques for getting him going as he'll need to be toileting before pre-school.

  6. tips:

    if "not liking his potty" is an issue, don't use diapers anymore, they make potty training seem optional.  Then his choice isn't "diaper" vs "potty", it is "clean up a mess" vs "potty".

    get a toilet insert so he can choose between toilet and potty, it gives him some control which is motivational for 2 year olds.

    remember potty training is important like eating veggies or taking a bath, sometimes kids don't like it, but it is good for them.

    don't use pull-ups, they are diapers.

    have him wear a long t-shirt and go bare-bottomed for a week or so,

    he'll train much faster.  Put the potty nearby and let him decide when he needs to go instead of being his time keeper.  Yes, there will be accidents, but if you can find a way to survive accidents for a week or two, you'll be done (instead of changing diapers for the next year or two.)  

    when he has an accident have him sit on the potty immediately afterwards for conditioning purposes.

    have him train sitting down and stand when he grows taller

    have him help you clean up all accidents

    when you go out and about, try vinyl gerber covers from the baby section over his underwear or pants that can absorb a lot, so you don't get tempted to use a diaper or pull-up.

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