
Need statistics on pre birth matches?

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My son is doing a project for school (current issues). I sugested that he do it on prebirth matches. He is presenting both sides, pros and cons, while focusing on the cons.

Does anyone have any up to date statistics on how many prebirth matches fail or other such info to help him complete his projects?




  1. I've seen stats from 1/3 to 1/2. Try checking with the Evan D. Donaldson Institute, they have lots of good stats. Also look at sites like CUB and b*****d Nation. Exiled Mothers and Musings of the Lame are great sites too. (I wish I could just paste my favorites list here!! E-mail me if you want it!) Call Jesse DeBalzo's organization for natural family preservation- believe her site is called "Keep Your Baby".

    Kudos to you & your son for tackling this subject!! Good luck!

  2. http://birthfamily-search.adoptionblogs....

    Not statistics but reasons against pre-birth matching.

  3. I'm not sure about statistics, but I am sure that meeting our son's first mom during her pregnancy was such a gift to us, and when she moved in with us and shared the pregnancy, he heard our voices, and the sounds of our home.  I used to always say in a very cheerful voice in the mornings, "good morning sunshine".  My son's first mom always assumed I was talking to her, which is fine, but in my mind, I was talking to the baby.  Now, his mornings are his best times, and he wakes up in the mornings always smiling, even if he's wet, dirty,  or hungry.  His bio mom hated mornings and didn't even wake up until noon some days.

    I dated a man years ago, who had adopted his niece's child.  The niece lived with him and his then wife during the pregnancy.  Their daughter was very happy and well adjusted, and didn't seem to have any issues of separation or anxiety at any time in her life, including when her bio mom was around.

    Based on both of these adoptions, it seems the adopted babies whose bio and a-parents lived together from the time that the voice could be heard inside the womb, that the babies are as happy as any other child in infancy.  

    I also know that when I worked in a store that sold baby stuff, 2 different adoptive parents were buying bears that had the heartbeat sounds to soothe their babies.  Perhaps it's because those babies weren't exposed to the sounds of the home they ended up in.

  4. This is a really tough question to answer because the statistics are held by private adoption agencies who routinely lie to their customers about their "success rate".  Some agencies claim that they have a high success rate because they have excellent pre-screening counseling.  On the other hand, there are those who point out that the high success rate is due to the fact the the "counseling" is really more like indoctrination that is anti-single and anti-teen parenting.

    As a rule of thumb, I have heard the more "honest" agencies claim 50/50.  I am sorry that I do not have a source for this statistic.  It is just a number that I have seen thrown about on forums and blogs.

    I am curious about your connection to adoption per your suggestion to your son.

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