
Need strongest energy drink.... none work?

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ok i know im bad and need to lay off energy drinks and soda but i need to find a caffine high or something thats legal lol... im one of those people that drinks those GIANT monster energy drinks and can go to sleep 1 min later they do absolutly nothing.. so my freind gave me some cocaine energy drinks i drank 2 in 10 minutes and had nothing... as far as i know there arnt any stronger than cocaine energy but if u know of any and where to get them i would be very gratful




  1. Well the one I take is called FRS it is way stronger than mainstream energy drinks and is made with healthier ingredients. The drinks give me a boost and I don't crash for hours, the energy lasts all day. I found a free trial here, otherwise I think they're available in stores, but I really don't know which ones. Its hard for me to find them anywhere except online.


    read the site, new ideas for caf content

    btw, you may be becoming immune to the caffeine, so you may want to take it easy until your body becomes used to it again.

  3. i work at starbucks, and let me tell you if you need energy this is what you need to buy! get a grande double shot on ice +energy, but get it sweetened if you dont like the espresso taste! get it sweetened with vanilla instead of classic syrup, its soo much better,

  4. Love them when i'm off, hate them while i'm on.....

    But i always go back for more... Lol

  5. i drink monsters daily and they dont do anything to me either..but i started drinking coffee recently and it keeps me up forever and i totally screwed up my sleeping pattern >:\

  6. Probably the reason none of them work for you is because you drink so many of them and you now have a very very high tolerance to caffiene therefore your body doesnt get much of a "hit" when u drink them.. They aren't designed to be consumed so regularly.

    If i were you i would try to stop drinking them (or have just one a day or so) and cut down on caffiene(tea/coffee) for a while maybe a couple of weeks or even a month, once you have got it out of your system then if you start drinking them again you will feel the effects again. But seriously, more than a couple -two or maybe three- a day is tooo much!  

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