I live in the upper level of a two story apartment. I love to listen to music as I clean. Most of the time I hook my mp3 player to portable speakers and use that. headphones are out because i constantly get interupted. I have a nice stereo that I would prefer to use but even on it's lowest volume my downstairs neighbor can hear it very well. Part of the problem is the arrangement of the speakers, they are pretty close to the floor due to lack of better placement and short cords. I plan on getting speaker wire to lengthen my options. to at least get them on the top of my entertainment center which will help a lot. All I want is to be able to have my stereo at an audible level with out complaints from the neighbors. any tricks or suggestions on muffling the sound so I can hear it and the neighbors won't be bothered. The stereo is located in my living room, not touching the walls, or the ceiling. just the shelf it sits on and the floor. Thanks in advance