
Need sum help with a 4856?

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I have a Soldier that has been on a detail for over 30 days. He is detached from the company for the duration of the detail and reports to the NCOIC for accountability. He wont be back till mid month next month. I don’t see him at all. i want to put something on a 4856 so that it does not look like I forgot to give him a monthly counseling when my chain of command looks over my packets.

How should I write the counseling? What should the purpose of counseling be?




  1. In a situation like that you would request that the NCOIC or another leader on his detail issue the monthly counseling.  I'm not sure how your unit does it but in mine we had our soldiers who were detached to other units get counseled by the NCOs in the other unit and they hand-carried the counseling back to us when they were done with them.  It wouldn't be reasonable for you to give him a counseling for a whole month you didn't see him.

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