
Need sum help with drama auditions..........?

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hey..........i have to give an audition for dramatics...........i dont know wat exactly i shud present b4 the judges...........please cn u help me can u jus give character i cud enact




  1. Well to start with try something new, just not the old dramas. If you have time then I would suggest pieces from dramas of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

    If you want a comic soliloquey then try from Maid In The Mill any one of the Basil's solliloquies . You must of course learn it by-heart and present it :

    A garden at the town-house of Count Beltran.

    Antonio, Basil.


    I am abashed of¹ you. What, make a lady

    Woo you, and she a face so excellent,

    Of an address so admirably lovely

    It shows a goddess in her — at each sentence

    Let pause to give you opportunity

    Then shame with the dead silence of the hall

    For her continual answer. Fie, you're not

    Antonio, you are not Beltran's issue. Seek

    Your kindred in the snowdrifts of the Alps

    Or call a post your father.


    I deserve

    Your censure, Basil. Yet were it done again,

    I know I should again be dumb. My tongue

    Teems in imagination but is barren

    In actuality. When I am from her,

    I woo her with the accent of a god,

    My mind o'erflows with words as the wide Nile

    With waters. Let her but appear and I

    Am her poor mute. She may do her will with me

    And O remember but her words. When she,

    Ah she, my white divinity with that kindness

    Celestial in the smiling of her eyes

    And in her voice the world's great music, rose

    Of blushing frankness, half woman and half angel,

    Crowned me unwooed, lavished on me her heart

    In her prodigious liberality,

    Could I then speak? O to have language then

    Had been the index to a shallow love.


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    Away! You modest lovers are the blot

    Of manhood, traitors to our sovereignty.

    I'd have you banished, all of you, and kept

    In desert islands, where no petticoat

    Should enter, so the brood of you might perish.


    You speak against the very sense of love

    Which lives by service.



    Flat treason! Was not man made

    Woman's superior that he might control her,

    In strength to exact obedience and in wisdom

    To guide her will, in wit to keep her silent,

    Three Herculean labours. O were women

    Once loose, they would new-deluge earth with words,

    Sapiently base creation on its apex,

    Logic would be new-modelled, arithmetic

    Grow drunk and reason despairing abdicate.

    No thunderbolt could stop a woman's will

    Once it is started.


    O you speak at ease,

    Loved you, you would recant this without small

    Torture to quicken you.


    I? I recant?

    I wish, Antonio, I had known your case

    Earlier. I would have taught you how to love.


    Come, will you woo a woman? Teach me at least


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    By diagram, upon a blackboard.



    I will so, if it should hearten your weak spirits.

    And now I thin-k of it, I am resolved

    I'll publish a new Art of Love, shall be

    The only Ovid memorable.


    On, on! Let's hear you.


    First, I would kiss her.


    What, without leave asked ?


    Leave? Ask a woman leave to kiss her! Why

    What was she made for else ?


    If she is angry?


    So much the better. Then you by repetition

    Convince her of your manly strength, which is

    A great point gained at the outset and moreover

    Your duty, comfortable to yourself.

    Besides she likes it. On the same occasion

    When she will scold, I'll silence her with wit.

    Laughter breaks down impregnable battlements.

    Let me but make her smile and there is conquest

    Won by the triple strength, horse, foot, artillery,

    Of eloquence, wit and muscle. Then but remains

    Pacification, with or else without


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    The Church's help, that's a mere form and makes

    No difference to the principle.


    There should be

    Inquisitions for such as you. What after ?


    Nothing unless you wish to assure the conquest,

    Not plunder it merely like a Tamerlane.

    I'll teach that also. 'Tis but making her

    Realise her inferiority.

    Unanswerably and o'erwhelmingly

    Show her how fortunate she is to get you

    And all her life too short for gratitude;

    That you have robbed her merely for her good,

    To civilize her or to train her up:

    Punish each word that shows want of affection.

    Plague her to death and make her thank you for it.

    Accustom her to sing hosannas to you

    When you beat her. All this is ordinary,

    And every wise benevolent conqueror

    Has learnt the trick of it. Then she'll love you for ever.


    You are a Pagan and would burn for this

    If Love still kept his Holy Office.


    Am safe from him.

    If You want a solliloquey, which is serious try the part of the Statesman or The writer from The Great Secret of the Mother.

    You must thoroughly learn it, understand its meaning, read aloud , see tht your pronunciation comes out well otherwise practice with the back of a pencil in your mouth. Be sure of yourself. Do not get nervous , after all the world is not going to fall , if you fail. Stand straight, explain to the judges the part that you are going to do. give them a copy of your part to each one of them, by making a print out fromthe web-site. Above all try and get identified with the character and understand the meaning before the words come out of your mouth.

    Good Luck !

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