
Need the English translation for the following German phrases ?

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This is the inscription on an antique bowl from Germany:

Des lebens sonnenschein ist trinken u. frohlichsein.

Guten wein u. schone maid jagt zum teufel alles leid.

In durstger mitt all sorgen quitt.

Fullen und leeren, nimmer ent behren.

Nach ketzen u jagen ein trunk mit behagen.

Ein guter trunk macht alte jung.




  1. The sunshine of life is drinking and being merry.

    Good wine and a pretty girl chases away every sorrow.

    In thirst all worries fade away.

    Fill it and empty it and never go without.

    After nonsense and hunting, drinking brings pleasure.

    A good drink makes everyone young.

    ps- This is old German so I had to translate the basic meaning, and I didn't even try to rhyme...

    Hope that helps.

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