
Need tips on perfecting my sit spin?

by  |  earlier

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I know how to do my one foot spin, camel, but i'm having trouble with my sit spin. My coaches for private and group say my jumps are way ahead of my spins (im starting lutz). for my sit spin, i guess i have a decent position, and its really hard for me to stay down. Any ides for help are apreeciated.




  1. (off ice) I get a plastic cup and put it under my heels. Then, I squat in sit spin position. I hold it for 10 seconds. You'll feel your muscles streangthening. It worked for me ♥

  2. What helped me learn a sit spin was turning out my free leg. Sort of point your heel in and your toe out. Try it and let me know how it works for you.

  3. I'm guessing that you prefer doing jumps, is that correct?...that's ok, we all have our favorite elements to practice...but it looks as if you need to work on your spins...

    my advice is to keep your head up, and your shoulders, hips & arms level while spinning...that will keep your spins on center and give you more speed...

    as for the sit spin...have you tried stretching your arms in front of you??? helps you to sit in the squating position...

    give it a try & good luck!!!

  4. you might try bending the right knee down more when doing your right over left crossovers into the spin. wait till you feel that "hook" until you move your leg to sit. Don't stand up while moving the leg. Also when swinging the lag in  front make sure the right arm (if you move the right leg) move inward too.

  5. strengthen your quads. Wall sits and squats really help. It takes alot of strength in your left leg to say down. so just work on strengthening that muscle.

  6. try to make sure that there is enough room to place your fist between your knees otherwise you wont get any rotation. Turn your foot out while your actually spinning. Dont hunch your shoulders, relax them and make sure that theyre below your head and your back is as straight as possible without falling, if you cant get down far enough this little magic trick makes it look like your actually lower than u are =D hehehe It also helps you keep your position, just dont go onto your toepick, you'll fall over in an instant lol, took me months to get sits. Just remember if and when u try for a BACK sit, do the same thing and stay well balaced on the center =D

    good luck

  7. my coach told me to relax and sit down  then keep going down and dont be afraid to fall because if you are low enough it wont hurt as much to fall becuase your close to the ice.

    dont stress. took me a while to accomplish it

  8. wut i did is get in the sit position off ice and try to maintain the position as long as i can. strengthening your legs helps!

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