
Need tips pls.. according to Sunnah?

by  |  earlier

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I already asked this earlier today, but I would really like to be a bit more enlightened on the topic of dealing with children according to the Sunnah.

my problem is, how can i deal with extra sensitive children, who is easily distracted, or gets very noisy in a class, and after repeating this many times, when they are punished, they all seperately feel, "she din't do that to them, she was only picking on me" etc.

Yes, patience is the key! but how do I go about doing anything about it?

I would appreciate any other tips also... from young, and old (and medium) alike. Thanks.

Assalaamu Aleikum




  1. You have to study more about sociology, or get more advice, when a child act abnormal, he/she has a problem, as a good teacher, you have to find the problem and try to solve it, just think you will save her/his future by this job, it is not easy for sure.

    Best of luck

    God bless you

  2. which sunnah ,,shia sunnah or sunni sunnah !!

    both claim to follow authentic sunnah,but shia and sunni sunnah differs so much that they call each other kafir !

    which version is yours !

  3. Walaikum Assalam,

    1. You should try to develop a friendly relationship with them, so that they all can take you as friend.

    2. Teach them kindly, but at certain occasions you'll have to be little strict i.e. just give them a little un-pleasent look or change your tone.It true that if you'll hit a child that will make things more worse.

    3. Applying it on one will work for all.

    4. Appreciate them for good behavior.

    5. You can also give them rewards occasionally for doing something good.

    6. Try to divert their attention when you sense that things are getting out of control.

    Hope that will help you.

  4. Its sounds like it could be ADD (attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder). You should read up on that online, it might help. ^^;

  5. It's depend on what type of  children Ur dealing with ?

    U have to try different methods to handle this problem

    some time be rough & some time soft  

    But any way U have to be patient, gentle, & loving

    try to get more cofidence more respect and love from them also.

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