
Need to Find a Theme?

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Ok here's the deal...i homeschool and every year we have a "Banquet"

(It's the closest thing we get to a prom)We can't dance though...But don't feel to bad for me,some cool parent's,yes i did use cool and parents in the same sentence,anyways they have like a reble prom in May the banquets in April so it's cool....Back to subject we need a theme...It does have to have a Boble verse to go along with my rock theme is out :( Anyways if you could help that'd be AMAZING!!!Last year was evening at the palace w/ freaky statues and the music was so loud you couldn't hear each othe talk which is cool for conserts but not for a formal event.

L8er ppls




  1. Underwater theme and inside the bubbles can be cool facts

    Do you teach the homeschool or do you attend it?

    Sorry that is the closest theme I could think of.  

  2. medieval/shakespere night

    murder mystery


  3. Maybe you can find a famous composer you like.... such as Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, ect. That way you can have a good time and still be formal.

    (Personaly, I like a group called Enigma. It has a mongolian monk theme to it, but it still has super beats.)

  4. a cool theme could be like hippies and stuff with peace signs and stuff or hawaiin theme!!!  haha i hope these ideas help and if not then im sorry....i tried!

  5. How about a lion's den theme??  Lions are cool. And some of your homeschool friends must have some stuffed Lions. Just get a lot of them, make some paper machet rocks, have the stuffed lions lazing around.... Something like Into the Lion's Den?

    Belly of the whale? You can do some tropical stuff, you know, make a big tongue on the floor, but then you can do some big paper machet rib bones and hang fish and stuff. You can download tropical music and stuff.

  6. Greek mythology theme.

  7. I will look around.

    I'm christian so I can sift through the pages of the bible and

    find a good one.

    ps watch your spelling. ._.
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