
Need to I am sideing that teenagers aged 12- 17 should be treated like adults when they commit serious crimes?

by  |  earlier

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i need some help when figuring out some points for the debate care to help :)




  1. ok Im not saying I agre with these but maybe they will help your debate:

    If someone is diagnosed as being a sociopath and commits murder, likewise a pedophile who molests or rapist who rapes, they do not have the capacity to be reformed therefore letting them off with a lower sentence based on age is pointless.  they will still be a sociopath/molester/rapist as an adult and will coninute to cause harm to others.  All that's achieved by releasing them on shorter juvenile sentences is allowing them to roam freely ealier.  Likewise expunging a juvenile record (which is typical once they reach adulthood) is damaging and dangerous - it is absolutely imperative that their criminal record is available throughout their life (so it can be used for future evidence when they re-offend, since they WILL reoffend).

    As 65% of those in prison reoffend once released, to give teens shorter sentences based on age encourages a higher chance of reoffending because it creates the idea that there are more lenient consequences to serious crimes.

    All serious crime carries with it a life sentence to the victims i.e. the fmailies of murder victims or those raped or children sexually abused by older relatives etc.  Since the consequences on the victims doesn't become lessened based on age, why should the judgement passed on the perpetrator be lssened based on age?  It isn't just.

    Leniency towards youth crime is argued as a reason why teenagers in the UK are now carrying knives more openly and stabbing has increased 30% in the last 5 years.  If leniency is the problem, it follows then that tougher penalties are the solution.  

    you can google the statistics here for references but they are correct so you're not making up figures.  good luck!

  2. I don't believe every teenager should be treated as an adult, because not all teenagers are equal in maturity...I feel it should be taken on a case by case basis.  Sorry, can't help with argument FOR your cause.

  3. I don't agree with that ...


  4. um no your wrong!

  5. nope

    ur a dipshit for posting that

  6. I have always felt that one should be responsible for one's actions - Unfortunately, due to the input of so much info one does not always make the right decisions - It has been determined clinically that people under the age of 21 (generally speaking) do not see or realize the ramifications of their actions - Like reaching adult hood, tis a learning experience - Understand, I am not condoning wrongful behavior - Circumtances should merit the punishment and there always has to be a price to pay for wrong or unlawful behavior

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