
Need to Photograph Framed Art?

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I have an 8M digital. I need to take very good photos of framed art.

How do I avoid getting this "fish-eye" effect?

The photos keep looking as if the frame is bulging outward.

There must be a trick - got any ideas?

I do PhotoShop - tried "pinch" and tried to push it a little with Liquify. None of these seem like a great idea.

I need the lens to capture it correctly from the beginning.

And I cant aford to buy some special lens.






  1. Try stepping back and then zooming in. That distortion is usually caused at wide-angles.

  2. back up a bit and use a tripod.

  3. You're too close to the artwork.  When wide-angle lenses are close to a subject, they make straight lines bow outward, it's called a pin-cushion effect.  Use a longer focal length and stand as far from the art as you can and still fill your viewfinder.

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