
Need to book a delivery bed for my wife? What is the procedure to do the same in UK through NHS?

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Need to book a delivery bed for my wife? What is the procedure to do the same in UK through NHS?




  1. A delivery bed?

    Do you mean your wife is going to have a baby? If so you should already be in touch with your family doctor (GP) and midwife and they should have made all the arrangements for you.

    If you haven't already had contact with a GP you should go and see one with your wife now.

  2. You can't book a bed on the NHS, if your wife requires a caesarean an appointment will be arranged & they will let you know when she needs to attend.  

    If she's been seeing a midwife and/or GP, they should be able to tell what hospital she should be attending and tell her about the alternatives to a hospital birth if that's what she wants.

  3. Why not  just use a letterbox like everbody else!

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