
Need to build a portable, temporary, outdoor, life-size maze fast....?

by  |  earlier

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On the beach. thinking about 30 X 30. We'll have about 45 minutes to build it. Lots of hands, so that shouldn't be a problem. Don't want to spend too much money.

My original thought was to have four large corner posts, then some smaller poles on the inside, and wrap with rope or twine. Fabric might be another idea, but that could really get expensive.

Doesn't have to be huge, maybe four feet high? But the poles would go in the sand, so in order for them to stand upright, they need to be about two feet longer than that.

Have mapped it out on graph paper, just don't know how to build it! Suggestions? Help!




  1. Good luck hahahaha!

  2. A big roll of paper maybe if you can get it cheap, or boxes, go to a corner store and ask if they have spare boxes they;re getting rid of.

    Or you could use tape instead of string, but that might break, String is probably your best bet i think.

  3. Plain white muslin isn't that expensive although you would need alot of it otherwise hay bales make cool mazes.

  4. Like a queque at a bank waiting line.

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