
Need to buy/rent mobile phone for 3 weeks in UK.?

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I'll be travelling for 3 weeks between Scotland, Wales and England in July. I'd like to have a mobile phone, but Canadian phones don't work with the European mobile systems. I would probably only use it for a couple of calls/day and maybe one or two calls back to Canada.

After changing planes in Heathrow, I start my journey in Edinburgh. Does anyone have a suggestion for where/how to obtain a good deal on a mobile phone? It is also likely that I will visit the UK again in a year or two, and so have another chance to use the phone. Thanks!




  1. Buy a GSM phone for $40.  (Google GSM) Then you have to buy a sim card that works in England. (Another $40).   I think you can pre-load it with money or the card will charge your credit card.

  2. You might be able to get a pay-as-you-go phone in Heathrow, if your layover is long enough.  Otherwise, once you get to Edinburgh, find a mobile phone store- they are everywhere.  There's three different ones in St. James Center and at least three more along Princes Street, so if, for instance, you take the bus to Waverly station when you get into town, you could easily walk right into one.  You should be able to get a cheap pay-as-you-go mobile for as little as £10-£15- phones4U has it's cheapest model for £9.95 and they have a location in St.James Center.  As long as you get £10 airtime, although since you're not local they might make you buy £20 airtime- for a three week trip, that should about do you.  Any phone you buy here will work all over the UK.  

    Look up the place you're staying online, then type "mobile phone, Edinburgh, (name of area or nearby street)" into Google- you should be able to find somewhere convenient.

    Have a great time!

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