
Need to choose a guy..... not sure which one though... its a long story.?

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So here is my story.. I am 23. Me and my ex had a very healthy relationship for 1 year even though it was a long distance relationship. He asked me to marry him and I said YES... but being from Indian culture his parents were against it.. and since he is the only child to them.. I didn't wanted him to go against them... So we decided to breakup.... but we couldn't stay away from each other and we go back together... it went fine for a while but slowly we started to have some kind distance. he was getting busy with his work and the time distance was different from US to India... He didn't have enough time to talk to me and I felt like he was lying and ignoring me.. between that I met this guy at work and we started to get close.. I liked him but didn't love him...At the same time I was very upset with my ex.. and i thought its not going to work out so I kind of started dating the guy from work. And this guy from work fell in love with me even though he know I loved my ex.... Now after few months my ex calls me back and he tells me he sorry and stuff and he would never do anything like that again and he can't live without me.. So that day i decided to tell all this to the guy from work who is like obsessed with me but in a caring way.. and I decided to get back with my ex.. but I told my ex that what happend between me and the guy from.. at first he was ok with it little upset since he loves me very much too but then after few days he decided to break up with me since it was a long distance realtionship and he was having nightmares about me dating the guy from work... However we talked as friends once in a while.. cause I am deeply in love with him so was he and so was the guy from work. So apparently me and the guy from work got together again... since I thought my ex didn't want me anymore why should I waste my life for him... BUT today he calls me up and tells me that he finally convinced his parents about me marrying him. Now I don't know which guy to pick since both of them are so caring and so loving and both of them love me to death.. and would do anything to be with me...... I don't know what to do... ANY SUGGESTIONS? Sorry about the long story.. My life is like bollywood movie now..




  1. What does your gut tell you to do?  There is a lot of history with your ex and that may be the better choice for you.  Sounds like you love him and not the guy from work.  Go with what your gut and heart is telling you.  You were willing to marry the ex once before, so give it one more shot.  It's worth a try.

  2. The only thing I have to say is I would not be with anyone that needed to convince someone else I was worthy of them...  If he needed his parents exceptence you don't mean that much to him....

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