
Need to clarify: "Do What Thou Wilt"

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I'm making this a new log in name for a website but i want to make sure i've got it right. Okay. I'm assuming "Do What Thou Wilt" means "Do What you will". Am i correct?




  1. St. Augustine said centuries before, "Love God and do what you will."

    or wilt however you prefer.

  2. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" is a moral utterance found in the Thelemic foundation scripture, which is called the Book of the Law. "Do what thou wilt" is known as the Law of Thelema. It is derived from the rule of the fictional Abbey of Thélème in the classic satire Gargantua by the French priest and occult student François Rabelais. Crowley recommends study of Rabelais when discussing the Law. In Rabelais this rule was "fay çe que vouldras", French for "do what you will." From his work the maxim became a well-known part of Western literary life, and was adopted by the satirical English gentleman's society called the h**l-Fire Club or the Friars of Medmenham.

    In Crowley's writing, the Law of Thelema is explained in terms of True Will, the ultimate spiritual core or quintessence of each person, which has a divinely self-ordained path through the world of experience. "Do what thou wilt" refers not to the outer emotional and intellectual self but to this sacred inner core of personal divinity. Often will is contrasted with whim, and the knowing and doing of the True Will is painted not in terms of license and ease but of responsibility and hard work.

  3. You got it!

    Now, do what you will!

    Good luck with the web site!

  4. I would take it in the sense that do what god wants us to do not what u want to do as sometimes man does wrong things may be knowningly for which he repents so why do wrong if ur mind tells u its wrong avoid doing it hence u are following the right path which god wants us to do

  5. yup!

  6. yes

  7. be sure to add the other half of that quote (and if it harms none . . . do what you will)

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