
Need to convert camcorder tapes into DVDs?

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I have a camcorder and i would like to know what device to use to convert all the tapes into dvds?




  1. If the tapes are those recordable kinds (specifically because you want to convert your home videos into DVD), you can always buy a DVD/VHS player at an electronic store. Make sure to ask the associates that work there to make sure that you are able to convert tapes into DVD's.

  2. wild guess, your vcam is a miniDV or at least a digi-8, if so:

    a miniDV or digi-8 vcam must be iLink / FIREWIRE400**-connected to pc to upload video thru video capture or video editing* software while vcam is ON PLAYBACK.  Note: DV or Firewire port of vcam is 4pin. Before cable purchase** (Vcam/4pin=>firewireCABLE=>PC (4/ 6pin?), check pc for DV or firewire port, whether 4 or 6 pin. If none, install firewire card: pci for pc or pcmcia for laptop.    

    for starters, free Windows Movie Maker* (Vista/wmm6 & XP/wmm2) provides simple & easy way to learn the ropes < click help for details>. Upgrade to intermediate or pro video editing applications accdg. to need & skill level


    video editing process- Vista/wmm6

          >>> open wmm- start/all programs/wmm->TASK pane

    1. Import video stream** - editing software remotely controls vcam operations

    2. Edit- drag/drop video files->timeline & enhance w/effects, transition, music & titles

    3. Publish (render)- save Movie (OK for youTube), also, save Project.msmmw file

          >>> Share=>auto-shifts to WindowsDvD authoring app->burn to DvD

    Similarly: XP/wmm2- Capture/Edit/Finish- DvD authoring app, e.g.,DvD Flick or Nero

    For details, visit:

  3. Buy a DVD recorder and hook it up to that ( they are getting cheaper everyday) . Or buy a video capture card for your computer (assuming you have a DVD burner installed and hook it up to that.

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