
Need to dine out with my fiance..?

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When dining out with fiance for the first time what are the best things to consider?? Serious Pls!!




  1. Go to a restaurant you are comfortable with...not somewhere that's so posh you will be out of your depth. Other than that I don't see a problem other than who is going to pay but as you are already engaged I would have thought you were over that prob. Have a nice eve anyway!

  2. Cuisine:




    Japanese/Chinese(Bistro is good)

    or for something more romantic candle lite dinner on the beach right before sundown so you can watch the sky enjoying the beauty and each others company :)

  3. You may want to consider why you are engaged to someone you haven't had a meal with for a start.

  4. so I don't care

  5. What food do you both like!  If there is a Frankie & Bennys near you go, its very good and I am sure that you will both have agood meal and an enjoyable evening.

  6. Make sure you actually know what she likes to eat.Take a fish hater to a sushi bar and she wont be your fiance for much longer,know what i mean?

  7. Blooming eck! He is your fiance, and this is the first time dining out.. Ne way

    - Make sure you look good, and check your face often, so you don't have food around your mouth.

    - Look pretty, if you are going anywhere fancy, you need to fit in, and look good on his arm

    - Expect him to pay, take money just in case he wants to split it.

    I don't know, question is kind of weird..

  8. something intimate with candlelight. Italians are usually good,  as the food is not new and the language is romantic. Also French restaurants are traditionally romantic. For something a  bit different you could try japanese, indian or chinese as the evening is about sharing and experimenting abit, so can bring you closer, but only if you've tried these foods and restaurants before otherwise you might end up with dodgy stomachs!

  9. I would suggest to check this site

    Browse through different restaurants and find out different foods available in them within your budget. Call these guy and they will reserve your restaurant table at discount.

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