
Need to do community service? ?

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Someone please give me some suggestions for community service, and I'm not going to the pound and shoveling dog #$%!. Help me out here




  1. YOU CAN do your hours with no interference at the County Nursing Home for people with no money.  You have to shovel food into old people's mouths because they can't eat by themselves.  But no one bothers you because they are so shorthanded and you will be helping some old person.  Someday we'll be old. /

  2. You can volunteer at your local library, food bank, senior homes or look around the internet. Try

  3. Help out at your local homeless shelters.  Adopt a road to keep clean.  Go to your local Senior Citizen homes.  Visit sick children or injured soldiers.  Be a Big Brother.  Be a voice for your community against violence and drugs.  Volunteer at a local school to help children learn to read.  There are so many options out there were help is needed besides shoveling dog stuff..Which is also a worthy cause.

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